The 5 Best Healthy Dried Fruits

Dried fruits are a very popular snack and a deliciously healthy addition to recipes. Dried fruits contain nearly all of the same nutrition benefits as fresh fruit, providing you with essential vitamins, minerals, fiber and phytonutrients. They also don’t spoil anywhere near as quickly as ripe fruit and store well, making them an ideal staple ingredient to keep in a pantry. Of course, dried fruits do have their nutritional downsides, including being higher in calories and sugar than ripe fruit due to the freeze drying process. So, what are the best healthy dried fruits out there if you want a delicious, dried and vibrant snack? In this article, we take a look at the 5 best healthy dried foods for snacks and recipes.


Dried apricots are a fantastic choice if you’re looking for a low calorie snack or addition to a recipe. Dried apricots contain calcium, which is essential in strengthening bones and preventing nerve function, as well as magnesium, which helps provide relief from muscle spasms and cramps.

The Hindustan Times tells us more about why apricots are at the top of the list for healthy dried fruits:

“Apricots provide for 47% of your daily vitamin A needs in a single serving and are a good source of potassium, vitamin E and copper. Vitamin E, like all antioxidant vitamins (A and C), is vital in protecting the cells from damage caused by free radicals. This is especially important in summer when the sun is at its strongest. Dried apricots are good for the skin, eyes and the immune system.”

Black Mission Figs

Black mission figs are an excellent source of dietary fiber, making them a perfect way to get in your suggested daily intake. Dried fruits that are high in fiber can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, as well as obesity and type 2 diabetes.

Dried Plums

While you may not have thought to consume plums in their dried form, both ripe and dried plums contain significant amounts of essential nutrients, including vitamin K1, boron, copper and potassium. Plus, despite their sweet taste, dried plums do not cause a large rise in blood glucose and insulin-making them an ideal snack (in moderation) for those with diabetes.


Both fresh and dried lychees contain a significant amount of fiber, helping bulk stools and normalize bowel movements. The fiber found in dried lychees can also help lower cholesterol and control blood sugar in those with diabetes. explains the additional benefits that dried lychees have to offer:

“These delicious fruits are often sold frozen or canned, but if you can find them dried they can be a great addition to your diet. One serving provides an amazing 244% of your daily needs for vitamin C! Additionally it has 3.2 grams of protein and is a good source of riboflavin.”

Goji Berries

Goji berries are filled with important nutrients and antioxidants like zeaxanthin, helping protect your retinas against damage and supporting healthy vision. Goji berries also provide immune system support, protect against cancer and improve depression, anxiety and sleep. tells us more about this superior dried fruit:

“Considered a superfood, goji berries are perhaps the best dried-fruits. By their nature, goji berries have a somewhat rougher texture compared to raisins. Despite that, they are a perfect substitute for raisins in any recipe. Before using them, soak in water to make them soft as desired.”

Here at The Greater Goods, we offer consultation services for your business, from food production to distribution. If you’re looking for advice on how to get up and running, we offer a free consultation with our expert food industry consultants and food brokers. 

Hello I Am Launching a Business words on a nametag sticker to introduce yourself as an entrepreneur or company owner starting or beginning a new venture

7 Steps For Taking your Food Product to Market Quickly

Do you have a good idea for a new food product? Have you often been told that you should sell your salad dressing, chocolate chip cookies or pasta sauce? If you are thinking of marketing your food product, there’s a lot more involved than simply being a good cook and having a good idea. A food business consultant can help you work through the process, from defining your market to seeing your product on the shelves of your local grocery store.

Steps for taking your food product to market quickly

1. Defining your concept and market

The first step to bringing your food concept to market is to define exactly what you want your product to be, who you want to sell it to, and where you want to sell it. For example, are you planning to sell cookies? If so, what type of cookies? Do you want them to be sold in grocery stores or coffee shops or both? What will make your cookies attractive to buyers?

2. Meet all the necessary food safety standards and regulations

Before you can bring your product to market, you need to meet all the FDA regulations and standards for your product category. If your product is labeled “organic”, there are additional USDA standards that you’ll have to meet. If you market your product overseas, you’ll be required to meet the standards of that country’s food safety governing agency.

3. Make sure that you can produce large quantities of your product

Producing a dozen jars of spaghetti sauce is a lot different from meeting orders for hundreds or thousands of jars. Before you begin marketing your product, make sure that you can quickly scale up your operation if/when you have the demand. Do you have the commercial kitchen space to process large orders? Will you be able to get the necessary supply of ingredients?

4.Test and optimize the shelf life of your product

Next, you want to test the shelf life of your product. If you’re like most cooks, your food is usually eaten soon after it is prepared. However, with food sales, your product will need to survive shipping, storing and sitting on the shelves of the retailer–all with its quality intact. You need to make sure you can deliver on your “sell by” date. You certainly don’t want consumers to buy cookies that are way past their prime.

5. Design the packaging

Next, you’ll need packaging that draws the consumer’s eye and vividly portrays your branding. As a newcomer, you may not have ideal shelf placement, so your packaging needs to reach out and grab the consumer’s attention.

6. Create the labeling

Labeling is dictated, in part, by local and federal regulations. For example, you’ll need to list your major ingredients and nutrition information on the label as well as any possible allergy triggers (like nuts or soy).

7. Marketing your product with a food business consultant

Bringing your own food creation to market doesn’t have to be an impossible dream. With the help of a food business consultant, you can go from defining your idea to seeing your product on the grocery store shelves, quickly and profitable. For more information about how a food business consultant can help you realize your dream, contact The Greater Goods at (insert contact info). We have more than 20 years of experience in helping entrepreneurs like you bring their food products to market.

What is the Difference Between Nuts and Dried Fruits?

When researching the healthiest and most delicious dried fruits out there, you may have been surprised to come across a variety of nuts included on these lists. Since when is a nut considered a dry fruit? Or have all of these tasty dry snacks been tricking us all along? While both nuts and dried fruits are easily transportable, provide useful nutrients for our health and are super easy to store and prepare, there are technical differences between the two. Let’s take a look at what sets these two similar snacks apart.

The Difference Between Dried Nuts and Fruits

To understand the difference between dried nuts and fruits, it’s important to understand what each truly is. The chewy dried fruit that we know and love is simply fruit that has been freeze dried, removing its water content (and leaving it high in sugars). Nuts are not dried out in this same fashion and are technically the “seeds” or the “kernels” of different plants that have similar nutritional characteristics to fruit. explains the intricacies in truly separating these two dried snacks apart:

“Botanically, nuts are classified as a fruit that has a single edible seed with a hard, inedible outer shell. They’re considered indehiscent, which means that their shell doesn’t open when ripe. However, a lot of foods that people consider nuts are really the seeds of drupes — fruits whose flesh surrounds a single shell with a seed inside. For example, almonds, cashews, Brazil nuts, walnuts, pecans, macadamia nuts, pistachios, pine nuts, and most other nuts are botanically the seeds of drupes. Meanwhile, true nuts include chestnuts, acorns, and hazelnuts. Interestingly, peanuts — one of the most popular nuts in the world — are technically a legume and thus botanically a vegetable. However, peanuts’ nutrient profile and characteristics are closer to that of other nuts. Nutritionally, most nuts’ nutrient composition resembles legumes rather than fruit due to their high protein content.”

Are Nuts or Dried Fruits Healthier?

Due to their complete loss of water content, dried fruits have a higher sugar concentration than their fresh counterparts. While still incredibly high in nutrients, it’s important to limit your dried fruit intake for this reason. However, this doesn’t automatically make nuts the healthier choice.

The Health Site explains how both dried snacks are beneficial to a healthy diet, as long as eaten in moderation:

“Though both have their own set of health benefits, you need to eat them in moderation. Nuts are high in calories so one needs to limit their intake. Besides proteins, vitamins, minerals and healthy fats, they also have saturated fats. So heart patients shouldn’t consume too much of them. Same goes for weight watchers because of their high calorific value. Salted, fried or honey or sugar coated nuts are a strict no-no. Eat them raw after soaking in water overnight.”

Tips On Buying Nuts and Dried Fruits 

When sourcing dried fruits and nuts, it’s important to remember that not all are sold equally. While some nuts have been artificially salted or sweetened, dried fruit is also often altered from its original state. tells us more on what you should look for when shopping for nuts and dried fruits:

“With both nuts and dried fruits, you should take a look at the components in the case of packaged nuts and dried fruits. You need to avoid nuts, which have been artificially salted, sweetened or dried. Also, you also need to avoid buying dried fruits which have sugar listed as a component. Dried fruit is naturally sweet, and synthetic sweeteners add calories without any additional nutrition. For fruits which are likely to be bitter once dried like cranberries, search for dried cranberries which have been sweetened with 100 percent natural fruit juice.”

Here at The Greater Goods, we offer consultation services for your business, from food production to distribution. If you’re looking for advice on how to get up and running, we offer a free consultation with our expert food industry consultants and food brokers. 

Marketing Trends Online Digital Concepts

5 Uses of Big Data in the Food Industry

Big data in the food industry is being applied in a number of ways, revolutionizing how businesses run daily operations and streamlining complex processes across the board. If you’re looking for the right food product launch strategy, you might be surprised at just how much this technology can support your efforts. We’ll look at the five major changes we’re seeing and what they mean for everyone.

1. More Predictable Deliveries

When food can spoil in record time, food delivery is always going to be of the utmost importance. Even one miscalculated time can eat into profit margins or cause a major dent for the business’ reputation. Big data can be used to monitor traffic, climate, and construction. It takes into account the ramifications of a route change, using artificial intelligence to better estimate where food is and when it will arrive.

2. Customer Preference

How do customers in different locations feel about certain ingredients? What are their favorite flavors? We can see big data being used today to understand how customer sentiment factors into buying patterns. It helps the food industry tap into these preferences, make relevant changes, and craft better food product launch strategies. For instance, you might see a big brand ask its customers to weigh in on their next product, using hashtags to count the votes and decide what their release should be.

3. Marketing and PR

Brand loyalty and big data go hand-in-hand, and there are plenty of ways to use it to spark an interest in different kinds of foods. New technology has made it possible for brands to partner together in inventive ways, often for publicity stunts that get the conversation rolling about both companies. For instance, Uber collaborated with Iron Works BBQ specifically for South by Southwest. By participating in such a popular event, these brands were guaranteed to get positive publicity with on-time orders and truly delicious barbeque.

4. Mobile Apps

Mobile apps allow people to research a menu, make reservations, and order ahead for pickup. The best ones will track a person’s patterns and offer discounts/freebies based on what the individual likes. This is a great way to understand how people react to all of their experiences, not just the taste of the food. From selecting items to payment options, big data shares insights that would otherwise remain invisible.

5. Supply Chain

The more a business owner understands the supply chain, the better they can communicate with their customers. Brands today are trying to build trust with their authority, offering more than stock answers and driving to the heart of what people care about. Sustainable brands especially love big data because it allows them to prove their commitment to a much larger cause.

Food product launches can reinvigorate brands of every kind, but it can be difficult to stand out in such a crowded space. If you’re looking for more positive exposure, The Greater Goods has a team that can use big data to find a strategy that will work for you. Lean into our expertise and let us connect with your customers in new ways.

How To Make More Food Product Sales In 2021

The main metric for measuring the success of a business is gauging the amount and quality of sales it makes within a given time. As a food business consultant, the issue of sales comes up quite often in our consultations with clients in the food industry who would love to boost their sales volume. It boils down to several factors, three of which we will discuss in this piece today.

These are tips that will help you open up the business and position it to make more sales if you follow them diligently. For best results, we advise you to ensure your entire team, and not just the sales and marketing department, knows and appreciates the efforts you are putting in place to enhance your overall sales. Let’s find out what these factors are.

Lower Your Cost of Production

There are several creative ways to reduce the cost of producing your services or products that can help you lower the final price that the consumer has to pay. You do not have to lay down any of your workers to lower the cost. You can start by incorporating new methods of marketing your food products that offer employees extra perks when they hit a given sales volume within a given time. This will motivate them to work harder and smarter each day to hit their sales goal. They will be innovative enough to be able to make massive sales while still maintaining the offer of great value and service to your consumers. 

As a way to make more sales, lowering the cost of production helps you sell your products at a lower price point that attracts more customers. This is especially important in landing new ones from the group that might have been pushed away from your fold by the higher price point, and they are still interested in using your food products and services.

Produce More Handheld Food Products

In the modern world where people often eat on the go rather than by fully settling down for a lengthy meal, making more snack food is a sure way to boost your sales volume. If you can increase the amount of dried fruits, nuts, and chocolate that are more snack-friendly, you stand a chance to net in more customers who are always looking for easy to carry and highly palatable food products.

In a bid to save on time, modern-day consumers often go for the best products that will bury their hunger within the shortest time possible without compromising on food safety and their health. acknowledges that making the move to produce more snack food will endear you to more consumers.

“There is another trend that is quickly gaining speed – the quest to produce more handheld snack food. People don’t sit down to eat together anymore. They are eating on the run. More and more convenience type foods are becoming popular.”

Hire a Professional Food Industry Consultant

Food industry consultants not only have the capability to help you improve your normal business operations such as finding the best wholesale organic bulk food suppliers. They can also help you enhance your sales and marketing strategies with advice on areas where you need to improve or activities you need to strike off your sales plan altogether. They have the advantage of having more knowledge of the industry. 

Working together with your in-house team, the food business consultant can help you come up with robust sales and marketing plans spanning longer durations and whose results can be regularly measured not only through the sales volume metric but also using other aspects like the overall customer satisfaction. 
If you would love such an experience, we invite you to contact us for a free consultation to begin your journey to better sales and greater customer satisfaction.

a picture of food packaging options

How Sustainable Packaging Plays a Key Role in Building Brand Transparency

According to a report in Barrons, eight out of 10 consumers report that they value sustainability, with about 70 percent of those polled stating that they would be willing to pay an average of 35 percent more for products that are environmentally friendly. And with any sort of increased demand for sustainable products is going to come an increased desire for sustainable packaging. Sustainable packaging is part of a grander sustainability strategy, and it can help engage and improve sales from eco-conscious consumers. It’s why working with a food packaging consultant can prove to be so beneficial as part of any strategy. Here’s a closer look at how sustainable packaging helps build brand transparency:

Sustainable Packaging Strategies to Build Brand Transparency

Consumers don’t just want to know where products come from, but many are increasingly inquiring about where packaging comes from as well. Hence, ensuring that packaging is made from sustainable materials or optimized in a way where less material is used can help appease eco-conscious shoppers. Here’s a look at some strategies to communicate the sustainability of your packaging:

  • Include information on how to recycle it: While paper and cardboard are almost always able to be recycled (and easily recycled via curbside bins), many consumers aren’t aware that many of today’s plastic packaging can be recycled as well. However, flexible plastic cannot be placed into curbside bins just yet — there is usually an extra step or two involved. Include this information on the package so consumers can take action and know how to properly recycle it.
  • Advertise it: Is your packaging derived from recycled materials or harvested from sustainably managed forests? Is your plastic packaging compostable or plant-based? Make sure you’re advertising this on the package itself to communicate this to customers.
  • Promote initiatives: Many brands today have adopted long-term sustainability strategies and goals to reduce their carbon footprint and move toward a net-zero operation. Make sure that your customers are aware of these initiatives and put a QR code or website on the package where they can go to learn more about what your brand is doing to help protect the environment.

One of the nice things about packaging is that it can serve as a marketing tool and means of communicating a brand’s sustainability goals to consumers. This, of course, in addition to protecting and safeguarding whatever product is inside it.

How a Food Packaging Consultant Can Help

Need help getting started building brand transparency and communicating any sustainability goals? That’s where a food packaging consultant can help. From down-gauging packaging and using less overall material to optimizing packaging design and acquiring packaging materials from renewable resources — and communicating sustainability efforts in a clear, concise way — a food packaging consultant can help share your brand’s sustainability initiatives and increase consumer trust through transparency. Remember, product packaging is a great way to build a brand. Be sure you’re utilizing it to its fullest extent.

How To Keep Your Food Products Contamination Free

Most food processing businesses usually struggle to keep their food products contamination free. Given that processed foods are a delicate commodity that would easily put you into trouble with the law if they became unsafe for human consumption, you will want to ensure you keep up with the best trends in food preservation. You do not have to go through the rigorous processes if you are on a tight budget. Instead, you can opt to incorporate simple techniques along the food chain from sourcing raw food, transporting it, processing, packaging, and finally distributing it to reach your consumers. 

We will discuss three simple measures you can take to ensure your food products remain uncontaminated and fully safe for human consumption throughout the recommended shelf life period. 

Use Airtight and Watertight Packaging

Food products have a higher risk of going bad if you do not safely store them in suitable packaging or containers. You need to ensure the packaging material you use is both airtight and watertight if your food products are to remain uncontaminated. If it is allowed in your region, you should first go for plastic containers or bags before packing products in larger packages like cartons. This will help you keep moisture and air off your food products until the moment the consumer opens the package ready for immediate use. 

If plastics are a thing of the past in your area, you should consider other packaging options like glass and cans. Aluminum cans and glass bottles are good for packaging both dry and wet food products such as dried fruits and beverages. To further ensure the products remain safe, you can add a tamper-proof security seal over the top of the container so that consumers would know that the product has not been compromised before it finally lands in their hands. 

Reduce Transportation Distance

A lot of things can go wrong along the sourcing and supply chain if you are not careful enough. Your raw or processed food products could easily get contaminated the longer you have to transport them from the suppliers to your operating base and from here to the location of the final consumer. 

You should go for wholesale organic bulk food suppliers who are within your local area of operation to help reduce the distance over which food materials for processing have to be transported. While you may not be able to actually bridge the gap between your premises and the final consumer if you are serving a larger area, you can reduce the risk of in-transit contamination by using modern transportation technology like refrigerated delivery trucks. acknowledges that businesses and consumers should be encouraged to reduce the distance food travels before it is eaten.

“Most fresh fruits and vegetables travel an average of 1500 miles before reaching their final destination. Most people’s food is better traveled than they are.” 

As they observe, there are several benefits to reducing food travel distance. “The food tastes better and is healthier.” 

Furthermore, this is a suitable marketing tactic to leverage so you can woo more consumers to your business.

Source Only Fully Grown Farm Produce

It gets riskier for you as a food business if you source your food items from producers when it is yet to grow fully. Incomplete maturation in food means that it is of lower quality and will result in lower quality processed products. If you are to buy food items that have not reached the recommended maturity levels, you risk contaminating them and the final product along the food chain. 

Risks such as the accumulation of mold and aflatoxin in your products like cocoa butter, chocolate, nuts, and dried fruits are likely to occur if the farm produce was harvested unripe. These contaminants may also come up if you buy your raw items from a food broker who stores their products badly by exposing them to moisture at the store. 

If you want to eliminate the risks of contaminating your food products, broker, we are an experienced food industry consultant firm and we can help you find the best wholesale organic bulk food suppliers and food product packaging solutions. Be sure to contact us to book a free consultation

3 Ways To Lower Cost Of Food Processing In 2021

In most places all over the world, the cost of production of products and services remains one of the biggest expenses businesses incur every day. While this usually centers on the cost of labor and other resources like energy, today we will focus solely on the cost of acquiring the raw materials for the production of food items in a food company. As a food business consultant, we have realized that most food companies usually struggle with finding the best suppliers for organic items such as fruits, nuts, cocoa. We will also briefly consider one of the major ways of cutting back on the cost of food processing in relation to your proximity to your primary consumers.

Let’s do this!

Get Closer to Your Suppliers

While you may always want to base your headquarters in more developed areas rather than the rural or farming areas, getting closer to the suppliers of your raw food products will help you reduce the cost of delivery from the location of the suppliers to your premises. This means that the cost of production becomes lower in the long run. If you can’t find a suitable location to set up your headquarters near your suppliers, you can consider setting up small satellite premises such as collection centers where you can bulk up produce from your suppliers before finally transporting all of it at once.

Ed Burghard, a former marketing executive at Procter & Gamble notes that getting closer to your suppliers helps reduce overall expenditure, hence reduced production costs.

“Companies will be considering all aspects of production and distribution costs when selecting a place for their operation. The old adage of location, location, location applies. The closer you can be to the supply chain and your consumers, the lower your delivered costs.”

Grow Some of the Raw Food Yourself

If you can, growing some of the raw food on your own is an excellent way to reduce the cost of production. This would require you to have arable land where you can grow these plants to provide you with raw material for your food industry. It is not necessary or advisable that the food processing unit and farm be on the same piece of land, but if it comes to this and the local laws apply, you can definitely run with the idea. The key advantages include being able to grow your food more organically and managing to reduce the cost of bringing them up to the factory-ready level.

Get Closer to Your Consumers

It is advisable to get closer to your primary consumers as much as possible if you are to leverage lower delivery costs as well as the likelihood of attracting customers who support the buy-local movement. This approach by customers stems majorly from health and environmental concerns where they want the experience and feel of food safety with the assurance of what they can closely relate and associate with. This favors your business as you will make more sales and won’t have to deliver products over long distances as would be the case if your main consumers are far apart.

At The Greater Goods, we are always willing to help businesses in the food industry to maximize their profits while still providing great value and service to their customers. You are welcome to contact us for a free consultation

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How the pandemic is influencing consumer purchasing decisions

Food and beverage retailers and manufacturers have had to deal with some dramatic changes over the past year due to the pandemic. In some cases, years of projected sales growth occurred, instead, over a period of a couple of months. Many staples became hard to find as logistics chains struggled to adapt. Those in the food industry consultant niche have seen their clients dealing with new challenges and are helping them develop innovative ways to meet them. In many instances, consumer purchasing patterns have changed in ways that are likely here to stay. A few of the trends that will endure:

Longer Shopping Lists

Many people are working to reduce the amount of time they spend in enclosed buildings like grocery stores. One way they’re adjusting is by shopping for more products less often. Researchers at Deloitte have found that consumers are adding more items to their list each time they shop. Where many would previously have stopped into the store a few times a week for a few items, they are instead spacing out their trips and switching to weekly or biweekly trips.

Delivery and Curbside Becoming the Norm

Resources like Instacart and PC Express were already making grocery delivery a more enticing option for time-crunched shoppers. With the pandemic, demand has surged. Instacart has now provided deliveries to over 5.5 million people, served by an army that is soon to reach 750,000 shoppers.

While the trend was initially driven by lockdowns and fear of disease transmission, it has remained in place as consumers have come to appreciate the convenience of this option. Chains like Whole Foods have even begun to adapt to this evolution by adding “dark stores,” which serve as warehouses for delivery and curbside orders, and do not have retail shopping within the store.

How a Food Industry Consultant Can Help Navigate Changes

The pressures exerted by changing shopping patterns require a response that will allow food manufacturers and retailers to continue to thrive. Often, a new approach will be needed to accommodate new consumer tastes while keeping businesses profitable. Food industry consultants can work with these businesses to help find new sources for ingredients and materials when current distributors are unable to keep up with demand. They can help identify which new suppliers have the quality that customers have come to expect. They can ensure that new suppliers have the certifications that a company needs.

The food landscape has changed dramatically over the past year, and will only continue to evolve. By staying abreast of changes and using knowledge and resources to meet them, food retailers and manufacturers can continue to find success.

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2021 Food and Beverage Industry Outlook

Not unlike other industries, the food and beverage markets saw hardships throughout 2020. Going forward, various market segments are likely to see ongoing challenges. Navigating the proverbial waters can be tough and a skilled food business consultant can help you achieve your goals and avoid problematic issues in 2021.

Problems with Market Concentration

Cornering a market segment is a good thing, until you get too large. What happens to companies that become too successful with market concentration? For starters, competitors often merge or acquire smaller companies which gets the attention of law enforcement over antitrust allegations.

Assertions of price-fixing or setting artificially high prices are also common for companies who dominate an industry which leads to class-action civil lawsuits and other litigation. This has an impact on the entire industry. In 2020, regulators focused on tech, but the food industry is another market they are watching. It would not be surprising to see more activity in 2021.

Small or struggling companies can develop smart approaches to focus on innovations in 2021 rather than selling off to the big guys – a food business consultant can help develop a strategic plan.

Price Fixing vs. Gouging in Pandemic Conditions

The COVID-19 pandemic sent the economy reeling in 2020 and many companies were accused of gouging to make a quick profit. Those businesses in question maintain the spike in demand caused prices to soar. Law enforcement seems to disagree, stating due to the nature of the pandemic, the situation constitutes an emergency, and demand for food was not due to routine market forces. Going forward, it’s almost certain food industry regulators and law enforcement will be watching closely to ensure gouging doesn’t occur.

Recovering From the Pandemic

In 2020, many food and beverage companies struggled and will spend much of 2021 recovering from the conditions set by the pandemic. Struggles to recover from including restrictive containment measures driven by social distancing requirements, supply chain disruptions, remote work, temporary closure of stores and, in some cases, revamping business models to accommodate pandemic conditions.

Additionally, most had to quickly adapt and implement technology solutions to facilitate social distancing and touchless processes. Pivoting to a technology strategy was both a learning curve and expense for many companies. One some will still be reeling from throughout 2021. However, in the long-term, these strategies can be used as an advantage to gain a stronger standing in niche markets. Projections say the food and beverage stores market will increase from $1707.29 billion in 2020 to $1872.9 billion in 2021. By 2025, the projection jumps to $2472.93 billion as companies rebound from the pandemic.

Ready to Work with a Food Business Consultant? Contact The Greater Good Today

The Greater Good offers consultant services for businesses in the food industry. Our Ontario-based company works with customers in both Canada and the United States, offering them a wide range of solutions for challenges the industry currently is facing. Ready to learn more? Contact us today for a free consultation.

3 Rules to Help You Choose a Healthier Nut Butter

Whether you’re trying to pick a nut butter at your local grocery store, or you’re in the food industry and you’re looking for the healthiest options to sell or use, you certainly have a plethora of options. Choosing the healthiest nut butter can be a bit confusing – after all, how are you supposed to know which nut is healthiest? Choosing the healthiest nut butter goes beyond the type of nut it contains, and also depends on other factors like number of ingredients and unnecessary additives. In this article, we take a look at 3 rules to help you choose a healthier nut butter, so you can know what you’re searching for ahead of time.

Number of Ingredients

When choosing a healthy nut butter, one of the very first things you need to be looking at is the number of ingredients. The highest quality (and also healthiest) nut butters will have incredibly minimal ingredients, with little to no “filler” ingredients, or ingredients meant to alter the taste.

Bonnie Taub-Dix, R.D.N., author of Read It Before You Eat It: Taking You from Label to Table explains why the nutrition label should be a simple read on

“According to Taub-Dix, the first order of business should be to study the nutrition label. “First and foremost is that the ingredients contain the nut … I try to choose nut butters that don’t have a lot of other things added that would be ingredients you wouldn’t necessarily want—like salt and sugar,” she explains. Ideally, if you choose an almond butter, the one and only ingredient should be almonds.”

Macro and Micronutrient Profile

If you’re choosing a nut butter partly or even primarily for the health benefits, taking a look at the macro and micronutrient profile is a great way to quickly find out which is best for you. Of course, choosing a nut butter based on their nutrient profile can require more flexibility in both budget and taste.

Amy Lorraine Nutrition tells us why in some cases, you should heavily consider the macro and micronutrient profile of your nut butters:

“If you’re lucky enough not to have an allergy or intolerance to any nuts or seeds and don’t mind shelling out a few more bucks for a different kind of nut butter than peanut, then you can start evaluating the nutrient profile of various nuts. Are you wanting to use your nut butter primarily as an additional source of protein? A good source of healthy fats? A boost to your calcium intake?”

Avoid Butters With Added Sugar

Although added sugar will of course sweeten the taste of a nut butter that may naturally taste a little bitter, avoiding added sugar is key if your goal is to search for the healthiest nut butter. Having said this, making the switch to a healthier nut butter with just a little bit of the right kind of added sugar can certainly still allow you to reap its health benefits.

Heather McClees of One Green Planet explains why you should refrain from added sugars in your nut butter if you can avoid it:

“Added sugars found in nut butters include: sugar, brown sugar, molasses, honey, coconut sugar, coconut syrup, evaporated cane juice, evaporated cane syrup, cane juice, cane syrup, dextrose, maple syrup, agave, brown rice syrup, and tapioca syrup. Even though some of these may pose less damage than others, keep in mind that they are all added calories that provide little nutrition. It’s also important to remember that when you eat sugary and fatty foods at the same time, it can alter your body’s ability to use insulin efficiently. This can lead to blood sugar problems and possible weight gain.”

Here at The Greater Goods, we offer consultation services for your business, from food production to distribution. If you’re looking for advice on how to get up and running, we offer a free consultation with our expert food industry consultants and food brokers. 

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Embracing New Retail Foodservice Opportunities

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed everything, including the way people eat. Those who used to eat out often suddenly had no choice but to eat at home when their favorite restaurants closed for virus control. Although most restaurants have since reopened, the experience of dining out still isn’t quite the same. Food manufacturers understand the need to work with a food business consultant to meet challenges posed by the pandemic and continue to serve their customers well. 

Food Consumers Are Looking for New Options Too

Whether it’s limited seating, having to make reservations, or having far fewer menu options, the pandemic may have changed the restaurant experience forever. This can be both good news and bad news for the food industry. The downside is that food manufacturers may have fewer opportunities to earn revenue from restaurants since most are likely to place smaller orders. However, that problem creates the opportunity for foodservice companies to step in and replicate restaurant-style meals for people to enjoy at home.

How a Food Business Consultant Can Help Clients Meet Changing Customer Needs

Creating new products and serving customers in a different manner always present a financial learning curve. While companies struggle to adapt, costs can skyrocket before a business begins to post a profit. The following issues may be especially problematic when starting a new product line:

  • Finding a reliable food ingredient supplier that offers reasonable prices and deep discounts for high-volume orders.
  • Inability to find ingredients to create food products due to supply chain issues.
  • Ordering from a supplier only to find that the texture, purity, taste, or quality of the food does not meet company standards.
  • Inability to locate food ingredients or suppliers with the type of the certifications a company needs.

Food service consultant businesses exist to resolve these pain points for clients. After all, the idea behind any type of business is to reduce costs and increase profits, not the other way around. With years of food industry experience behind them, consultants enable clients to meet these challenges in outside-the-box ways.

One example is focusing on creating signature food items that mimic what food consumers used to order in restaurants. People often stick with their favorites and would naturally gravitate towards food they love offered in another way. The ability to place an order on a smartphone application with a local grocery store or restaurant and then pick up a meal they can just heat up would be a big selling point as well.

With the purchasing power of a food business consultant company at their disposal, food manufacturers can significantly decrease their packaging and ingredient costs. Consultants also have extensive food industry connections, ensuring a prompt response to any food chain supply issues that arise.

Ready to Work with a Food Business Consultant? Contact The Greater Good Today

Based in Ontario and serving Canada and the United States, The Greater Good offers a wide range of solutions for current food industry challenges. Businesses looking to reduce costs, increase profits, find reliable suppliers, and solve other common problems should contact The Greater Good through this link.