“How to Make Canadian Nutrition Facts Labels”

Are you looking to make Canadian Nutrition Facts labels for your products? Whether manufacturing food products professionally or starting as an amateur home chef, having the correct nutrition facts and information printed on the packaging will give your customers greater insight into what they eat. 

This blog post will give you some advice on making sure that your label meets Health Canada’s requirements so they can ensure that their products are safe and healthy!

Understand the Regulations for Nutrition Facts Labels in Canada

The first thing you need to do is ensure that you thoroughly understand the regulations. The Canadian government has established specific requirements for the presentation and content of these labels, ensuring that the nutritional information is accurate and easily accessible. 

By familiarizing oneself with these regulations, it is possible to create Canadian Nutrition Facts labels that adhere to the necessary standards and provide vital details on the constituents of various food items. 

Identify the Required Components

Specific components must be detailed on the label, including serving size, which should be listed in a common household measurement and accompanied by the metric equivalent, calories, and the daily percentage value, which aids consumers in understanding the nutritional significance. 

It is also necessary to emphasize the number of core nutrients such as fat, cholesterol, sodium, carbohydrates, and proteins while presenting the information in grams and daily percentage values. 

Calculate the Nutritional Values

This process demands thorough research, professional knowledge, and accurate measuring to accurately represent the foods’ benefits and impacts on consumer health. Determining the nutritional components, such as vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, in each ingredient can ensure the compilation of a credible Nutrition Facts label. 

Moreover, portion size consideration is paramount, as it promotes responsible consumption, facilitating healthier eating habits and better-informed dietary choices for consumers.

Gather All Necessary Information 

Creating accurate and compliant Canadian Nutrition Facts labels is essential for any food manufacturer seeking to market their products in Canada. Gathering all the necessary information before beginning the label design is crucial. It should include the company name, contact information, and other details that will be required on the label. 

In addition, it’s important to consult with an expert in the field or use professional label design software to ensure that the final label meets all regulatory requirements.

Design a Template

With such a template, businesses and consumers benefit from the clarity and uniformity of the information presented on food products. Not only does it help keep manufacturers compliant with Canadian laws, but it also aids in empowering consumers to make informed choices about the food they purchase.

A comprehensive template should include essential information, such as serving sizes, calorie content, and the nutrient breakdown of individual components, all presented in a standardized and readable format. Additionally, the template must adhere to Canada’s stringent bilingual requirements, ensuring that vital nutrition data is accessible to diverse communities nationwide. 

Print and Affix the Labels on Food Packages

By accurately displaying a product’s nutritional content, manufacturers not only comply with government regulations but also demonstrate transparency and accountability to their customers. These labels help individuals make more informed food choices based on their dietary needs and preferences, ultimately promoting a healthier lifestyle. 

Furthermore, professionally designed and easily readable labels can enhance a product’s overall appeal, expanding its market reach.


From correctly adding the food categories to ensuring that all the information is accurate and up-to-date, it can certainly be challenging to make Canadian Nutrition Facts labels. But by following these steps, you can make one without too much hassle. It may not seem easy initially, but with time and practice, you can make great labels for any food product!

Need a hand getting your food product off the ground? We’d be happy to help! Click here to get in touch with the greater goods, and book a complimentary consultation with us today.

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