A food broker is great at finding the right ingredients based on your product needs. Since they’re so familiar with the food industry, they’ll know what they’re looking for. It’s often difficult to figure out the nuances of quality that come with finding the right ingredients. A food broker can help discern all these differences based on what your needs are.
Finding the Right Ingredients
Organic ingredients can be hard to source but luckily, production is expanding and booming year by year. According to the Canadian Organic Grower’s Association, Canada has more than 5,000 organic operations as of 2015 and 66% of shoppers are purchasing organic foods weekly. The market for organic is booming and it’s not about to stop anytime soon, with more and more consumers looking for organically-sourced, vegan and non-GMO products.

Consider what organic ingredients you’re looking to include in your product and make a clear list to present to your food broker. Based on all the criteria given, a broker keeps these aspects in mind and will find ingredients suited to your product. They also consider things like taste and texture and how that may impact the overall product. This is why having a good vision of the organic ingredients your product needs is important, and communicating that with a food broker helps them find the best ingredients possible.
Organic Ingredients Matter to Us
We specialize in working with a wide range of healthy, well-sourced products, like organic, non-GMO, vegan and allergen-free certifications. Establishing these connections as a food broker helps us work with clients who are looking for these ingredients.
To find the right products, we reach companies on a global level to find the right fit for your product. While working with Liva Foods, we searched for organic date sugar to be that perfect product for our client’s needs:
“The perfect date sugar was elusive—we weren’t able to find it even with our vast network of suppliers. In the end, we went to the Middle East and found it…We shepherded the date sugar through the process of organic and GMO-free certification. Now it’s shipped to California, where it’s processed, and arrives at Liva’s Ontario packaging facility at 50% of the landed cost of inferior sugars.”
Specialties at The Greater Goods
Our brokerage company specializes in chocolate, cocoa, nuts, dried fruits, and nut butters and have a vast knowledge of where to look for organic foods. Specializing in certain foods and ingredients can be key to developing the best product for the market.
Food brokerages with specialties show that they have experience working with that product or ingredient. We offer free consultation where we can outline what it is we can do for your business. It’s the communication with clients and the one-on-one consulting that helps a food broker find the right ingredients for you and where to source them. At the end of the day, finding organic ingredients that are healthy and cost-effective are just as important to us as they are to you.
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