“Our Commercial Kitchen”

Test your products with real consumers

Testing new food products with consumers who aren’t friends & family is an important step in knowing that you’ve got a real winner. But there are regulations around providing food samples to the public—and hiring a company that specializes in sampling can be an expensive proposition. 

The sampling you need

The greater goods can help with sampling! We now have a commercial kitchen where we can prepare food in accordance with food safety guidelines. This provides a shortcut to sampling with focus groups as well as in-store sampling, for example at our local Collingwood, Ontario Loblaws. 

Recipe testing 

Our commercial kitchen also enables us to prepare recipes for testing. If you haven’t defined your recipe yet, we can help with development, either with our own experienced team or in connection with a professional recipe developer (yes, they exist!).  

Next steps

If recipe and/or focus group testing is high on your agenda, we would love to hear from you. {Reach out to us here}. [LINK https://thegreatergoods.ca/contact-us/ ]

Giving back 

Our commercial kitchen will have another use, as well. The greater goods is developing a community food program! The idea is to order healthy foods in wholesale quantities and distribute them to those in our community who are lacking healthy foods. Stay tuned for more news on that front.