Retail Food Broker For Startups

Need A Retail Food Broker? We Can Help.

Do you have a great product that you believe is a sure-fire winner?

You may have discovered that many brokers don’t want to take on startups or growing companies that haven’t built substantial sales. One of our clients has a great functional foods product that’s selling really well. When they came to us they had solid branding and a fully developed product, but no sales. The first food broker they contacted asked what their current sales were. Well, we don’t have any, they answered, that’s why we want to talk to you. The broker told them to get back in touch once they had done half a million dollars in sales.

Does that make sense to you?

It doesn’t make much sense to us, either.

We’ll Help You Get Your Food Brand To Market

The Greater Goods helps companies like yours get to the next level. We’ll help you iron out the wrinkles in your business and get you selling.

Our strategy is simple but effective. Once we have helped you to get the different parts of your business aligned and set up for success, our sales team will concentrate on selling your product into major independent stores. Getting into the independents will help you to demonstrate sales success and start generating income, which incidentally will help pay the listing fees that big stores like Loblaws require. 

Our sales team covers all retail chains across Canada, both the independents and the majors. Once you’ve proven your ability to sell with the independents, we’ll bring you into the majors.

Simple, right?

Retail Food Brokerage Abroad

We help our clients sell in Canada and abroad. As a master food broker, we work with other brokers in export markets like Europe, Australia and the U.S. We consistently leverage our brokerage network to help growing brands export and expand. We will occasionally recommend selling abroad before selling into Canada. Some markets are simply readier for your product than others. That’s what happened with one of our clients, Liva Foods. When their product was good to go, the first thing we did was to sign $2 million worth of deals with brokers in Europe, the U.S., Korea and Japan. We knew that in those countries there was a demand just waiting to be satisfied. With those overseas deals in hand, we started selling into the Ontario market.

Read the Liva Foods story

Book A FREE Retail Food Brokerage Consultation

So. Let’s get back to our initial question: Do you have a great product that you believe is a sure-fire winner?

If the answer is ‘yes’ and you have a burning need to move to sales, let’s chat. Book a free 30-minute consultation with us. We’ll learn about your business, trade questions and answers with you, and hopefully begin working together. At the very least, you will learn a lot—that’s a given. At best, you’ll be on the short path to sales success.